Facial rejuvenation

Millions of women, regardless of age, always want to shine with beauty. Of course, the appearance of the skin is influenced by the condition of the facial skin, and above all, its softness and tightness. Of course, any lady can get rid of all wrinkles, tighten the skin and get neat, the important thing is to just complete the daily routine, eat healthy and give up all the habits. bad, the face will be rejuvenated.

Rejuvenate your skin at home

Before skin rejuvenation by various methods, you must first change your diet to provide enough vitamins for your body and skin. Add plenty of fresh vegetables, fruits, nuts and other healthy foods to your food. To cleanse the body, you should drink a glass of filtered water every morning - this will have a great effect on the skin of the face.

In addition to various masks, rejuvenating lotions, the procedure also includes exercises and facial massage. There are many different massage, vibration, and stroking operations.

If you do them daily, they will perfectly tone the facial muscles, then wrinkles will be smoothed out.

Effective ways and means

Today there are many recipes for facial rejuvenation at home. These include cleansing masks, lotions, lotions, and more. v.

Cleansing Foaming Cream:

  1. Used for all skin types. To make this homemade cream foam you need: 2 tbsp. spoon of yogurt without concentrates and additives, 1 tbsp. a spoonful of honey and almond oil, as well as 1 grated kiwi. The finished cream foam should be lubricated on a slightly damp face with massage movements. This foam helps to perfectly clean the face from makeup, and acts as a daily cleanser.
  2. For dry skin. You will need: 1 cup of whipped cream mixed with egg yolks, 3 tbsp. tbsp lemon juice and 1 tbsp. a spoonful of brandy. This creamy foam helps moisturize dry skin and gently cleanses it.
  3. For oily skin, dry cream foam in powder form is best suited. It's also not difficult to cook it. Pour 2 tablespoons into the bowl. One tablespoon of dry oatmeal and the same amount of unflavored green tea, put it all through a blender to get the powder. Pour some of the finished powder into the palm of your hand, put a few drops of water on it and lubricate your wet face with gentle massaging movements, finally rinse with warm water.

Facial rejuvenation should be done comprehensively by all means: foams, creams, masks.

Facial rejuvenation cream

For rejuvenation at home, you need a special cream that includes several ingredients.

The composition of such a cream includes beeswax and essential oils, selected for a particular skin type, acting as an active ingredient:

  • for normal skin - lemon, orange;
  • for dry geranium and rosewood leaves - crushed;
  • for oily skin - lemon;
  • for combination skin - mint and neroli.

Lavender can also be added for all skin types.

To prepare such a rejuvenating facial cream, you first need to make a pink broth as follows: 1 tbsp. Pour a spoonful of fresh or dried rose petals with a cup of hot water, keep the heat low, about 5 minutes after boiling. Then we cool, filter. Add the finished pink broth with 1 tbsp. a spoonful of honey and warm it all in a pot of water. At the same time, melt 2 tablespoons of beeswax in a metal bowl. spoon and mix it with 1 tbsp. a tablespoon of shea butter, without turning off the heat. Then 1 tablespoon is added to the beeswax. spoons of almonds and coconut oil.

Finally, pour red ginseng juice with honey, mix well and beat with a whisk, turn off the heat and let it cool. With the ready-made cream, we lubricate the face daily with massage movements until it is completely absorbed.

Anti-Aging Oil

There are many cosmetic oils in the world that play different roles on the skin of the face. The first group of oils moisturizes dry skin, protecting it from flaking and cracking.

The latter produces sebum under the skin by the glands, which improves the health of oily skin. And third, tighten the skin, smooth out small wrinkles.

Let's talk in more detail about the third group of oils:

  1. Castor.Best suited for dry skin. Perfectly moisturizes, removes flaking, smoothes wrinkles (with regular use). Due to the fact that this oil is very nutritious and useful, especially for sensitive dry skin, it is allowed to use it in the area around the eyes.
  2. Palm.This oil is considered multifunctional, as it perfectly cures vitamin deficiencies of the skin, astringent cuts and small wounds, moisturizes, softens, rejuvenates the skin and smooths wrinkles. It is sold in pharmacies in several varieties - stone (palm kernel) and pitted (red palm). All of them do not differ in useful properties.
  3. Coconut.Well nourished, rejuvenated, toned, moisturizing. More suitable for dry and sensitive skin. This oil is great to apply to the face before going to the beach or in winter, when facial skin can suffer from low temperatures.
  4. Almond.Nourish, moisturize, erase small wrinkles, help the skin around the eyes become perfect. Experts recommend this oil especially for those with too dry skin, the skin has lost its beauty and smoothness.
  5. Avocado.Suitable for all skin types. Rejuvenates, perfectly moisturizes, makes facial skin smooth, silky smooth. Has the ability to repair damaged skin areas.

Partial skin rejuvenation

After a while, almost all of the cells die or lose their activity. So, to make them work again, fractional laser rejuvenation is sometimes used.

The esthetician will advise you which anti-aging type is better. But it is still good to use all the options for rejuvenation at the same time, because the cells must be renewed both on the surface of the skin and in its depths.

When a laser beam is aimed at the skin, its cells begin to:

  • warm up and wake up;
  • dormant cells begin to die and fall off completely;
  • awakened cells divide and restore the empty microspheres;
  • The synthesis of elastin and collagen is renewed.
before and after facial rejuvenation at home

The effectiveness of this technology is variable, depending on how deep the beam will go through. And so segmental rejuvenation is split into:

  1. Ablative. During this process, the dead microparticles are removed by the laser from the surface of the skin and the disturbed areas shrink over time. After rejuvenation, the skin becomes as smooth as after lifting from the first day of use.
  2. No dissection. With this interaction, the creation of new microzones, elastin and collagen, takes place in a similar way, but only the laser enters the depths of the skin. After that, the effect of youthful skin is felt for a long time.

Fractional rejuvenation is performed if:

  • severe stretch marks, scars or so-called spider veins;
  • Enlarged pores;
  • acne;
  • skin pigmentation;
  • flabby, sagging, unsightly skin;
  • Wrinkles and crow's feet appear around the eyes.

However, such rejuvenation should not be performed if:

  • inflamed facial skin;
  • skin infections;
  • allergic reaction;
  • melanoma in the area where the laser beam will pass;
  • epilepsy.

From the above it can be seen that there are more indications than contraindications, therefore, almost everyone can use such a procedure, however, in order not to harm health in the future, should be fully examined. in a previous hospital.

Equipment and tools

The original device for skin rejuvenation at home is considered darsonval. This device refreshes obsolete cells with pulsed current. In addition to smoothing wrinkles, it also removes accumulated fat layers, caused by acne, post-acne as well as scars and dark spots.

Rejuvenation time with such a device is 10 sessions, 15 minutes. It will be good if you do 4 sessions a year.

Before starting the darsonvalization session, you need to do the following:

  1. Remove all decorations.
  2. Lubricate the skin with alcohol-free lotion, or the skin may be injured.
  3. Treat the electrode with alcohol and insert it into the device.
  4. Oily skin, in addition to lotion, must be covered with powder.
  5. To prevent sparks, support the electrode on the base with your finger and make sure that there are no other people or metal objects near you.

The device will treat all areas of the face. In places with scars and scars, keep the machine longer. Move the device along the massage lines. There should be a rest day between classes.